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Upcoming Group Classes (Spring 2025)

Our group classes meet once a week, for two hours. Each level runs for 8 (eight) weeks. Some classes are online, some are in person. The investment for each course (8 sessions) is $360.00. Click on the ENROLL button for your chosen course for more information. 


Beginners' Portuguese 1

Saturdays  12:30pm-2:30pm CST

Here students learn pronunciation, to describe themselves and others around them. They acquire the fundamentals in grammar (noun/adjective order, gender, plurals, possessive pronouns, etc), as well as an introduction to verbs.

Starting on April 5th, running for 8 weeks.  In-person (Uptown). Max 8 students per class.

Tuesdays 6:30pm-8:30pm CST

Advanced Conversation

This is an advanced conversation course designed for students nearly fluent in Brazilian Portuguese, or those who have completed the equivalent of the Advanced Portuguese 3 course.

Starting on February 18th running for 8  weeks. 

This class meets online. Max 8  students per class.


Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:30pm CST

Intermediate Portuguese 3

In this course, students will learn the basics of written communication in Portuguese. In addition, exercises will help students practice opening a bank account, looking for an apartment, and finding one’s way through the airport. Finally, students can talk about their plans for the future, from dream jobs to plans for the evening.

Starting on February 5th, running for 8 weeks. In-person (Uptown). Max 8 students per class.

Thursdays 6:30pm-8:30pm CST

Advanced Portuguese 3

This course will include news articles about recent events in Brazil as well as popular fiction. Students will be introduced to the “cronica,” a unique and varied type of newspaper column. In order to reinforce learned verb tenses, students will casually discuss their own thoughts about the future and learn more about the history of Brazil. This course will serve as a model and a preparation for later conversation-based "Advanced Conversation classes.

Starting on February 20th, running for 8 weeks. 

This class meets online. Max 8 students per class.


Mondays 6:30pm-8:30pm CST

Beginners' Portuguese 3

Here students will learn some of the most important irregular verbs, as well as how to express future plans. They will also find themselves in situations such as shopping, ordering food, making plans with friends and planning a trip.

Starting on February 10th, running for 8 weeks.

In-person (Uptown).Max 8 students per class.

Saturdays 2:00pm-4:00pm CST

Advanced Portuguese 2

Students in this course will continue to learn about the different idioms and variations found throughout Brazil. In order to make each student’s language fit the situation, teachers will discuss the differences between written and spoken Portuguese, as well as introduce various slang terms and abbreviations that are commonly used in informal speech among friends. Putting these skills to practice, students will talk through scenarios like ordering a drink at a bar, making plans with friends, and making small-talk with neighbors.

Starting on March 8th, running for 8 weeks.

In-person (Uptown). Max 8 students per class.

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